Wednesday, Sept 25, 2024

Welcome to "hump day" - I have not heard or used that in a long time, so its a throw back.  Many thanks to all of you in advance for your patience and understanding on our upcoming event.  Without going into too much detail, changes have occurred, but we are ready to roll with a great NoFloCo Project.  Outlined below are the details for the next NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project scheduled for this coming SUNDAY (September 28, 2024).  This Project will continue the mitigation work that has been completed on the east side of the property and the Home Structure.

NoFloCo continues to provide the leadership for making Teller County less fire intense and fire dangerous.  I look forward to seeing you at the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project this coming SUNDAY (September 28, 2024).   Please review the Project Details below and respond to the requested items. We will once again be dividing the Project Property into sections and making assignments. 

Mission Statement:  To assist property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.


PURPOSE:  Perform a Full Scope NoFloCo Project on a private property within the WUI.  Removing a significant amount of biomass (fuel) in the form of fire wood and slash (including forest floor debris, ladder fuels, tree thinning, as well as dead & diseased trees) from the forest's western and northern sections to make the area safer and more fire resistant.  

TASK:  Clean forest floor of downed trees and slash; Remove ladder fuels; Fell crowded, diseased, and dead trees; Construct manageable slash piles for burning by property owner.  All  firewood will be removed from the property.  Reduce BTUs, stay safe, meet new mitigators, and have fun.

END STATE:  Forest floor cleaned, weak and diseased trees removed, neat and manageable slash piles constructed, fire wood placed in designated areas and removed. Project work area is clean, no one injured, and fun was had by all.

·        WHEN:  Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. (Mountain); Project Briefing at 8:34

·        WHERE:   509 John Drive, Florissant, CO -  The property is located just north of the Indian Creek Subdivision off of Wildhorn Road (County Road 3) The property is located within the Florissant Fire District

·        WHAT:  Full Scope NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Project – Subject property is a total of 4.4 acres, the eastern portion of the property has been mitigated, the western and northern portions of the property consist of a unhealthy forest.  We will focus on Zones 3 & 4 in the western and northern sections of the property.   We will focus first on clearing the forest floor and removing the useable firewood from the already downed trees.  Ladder fuels and small diameter weed trees will be removed.  Only then will additional trees be felled.   All fire wood will have a designated area and will be removed from the property.  Slash piles will be constructed along the already existing path, as well as in other designated areas.  for curing and burning at a later date.  (PLEASE NOTE:  The NoFloCo band of highly trained renegades, heathens, and rebels WILL NOT be burning, repeat we WILL NOT be burning – slash piles will be constructed and burned by the property owner at a later date. This Project will continue to outline the need for all to stay vigilant of the objectives of the Cohesive Strategy – “All Hands, All Lands” and “Increased Pace and Scale” 

·        WHO:  Any and all who can attend.  There is something for everyone at this Project.  Bring yourself and a friend, and great autumn day in the WUI.  Once again, we will be dividing the Posse’ members into teams and making assignments. so your attention is needed.  (PLEASE NOTE:  In an effort to be efficient, please let me know via email or Facebook if you are planning to attend this event. I know that many of you have already indicated you would be attending, but as you see there have been some changes, so humor me and let me know again.   Appropriate assignments will then be made.)

·        WHY:  Because this is what NoFloCo does – we put on boots and gloves, we pick up sticks, and we eliminate sticks – making our community safer.  The Property Owner, Susan Osbeck is also a strong supporter of the NoFloCo effort and is very exciting we are coming to her property.

ACTION ITEM:  Please let me know of your attendance.


Tree Felling – We will need chainsaws on this Project - lots of limbing and bucking - so if you have them, bring them.  As stated above, only when the forest floor and ladder fuels are cleared will we commend any additional tree felling.  Per NoFloCo policy only S212 Certified Sawyers will be allowed to drop trees.  S212 Sawyers will need all PPE to fell trees.  Once the tree is on the ground and the S212 Sawyer has declared the area safe, our Limbers and Buckers will then commence limbing and bucking.

Fire Wood - As outlined above, all fire wood created will be removed and placed in a designated area.  We will also be taking requests for fire wood for the community and limiting their pick up time.  Stay tuned for more information.  Bucking will be limited so as to move as much wood as possible without too much cutting.   Since we wish to create fire wood and we have been limited by our Teller County government regarding slash removal.  PLEASE be sure to make as much fire wood as possible when bucking and cutting, we wish to leave as small amount of slash on the property as possible. 

Attire and Weather – It is supposed to be a perfect NoFloCo Fire Mitigation weather day, please dress accordingly.

Parking – IMPORTANT:  pWe will need to be aware of parking, there is some parking on the property and we ill park on the east side of the property if you come up the drive - please keep space for the Food Crew.  For those of us parking on the street (John Drive) please be sure to park in a consistent manner on the south side of John Drive.

Food – The Food Crew with Ellie The Human and Cookie Carolyn have been amazingly flexible with this Project.  They have been in touch with many of you regarding these changes.  There is an outside electric outlook.  For any Food Crew questions or comments please reach out to Ellie The Human ( Many thanks to all of those that bring these delicious treats. 

Hydrate – Be sure to hydrate prior to arrival at the Project, bring your water bottle and hydrate during the Project, and during our wrap be sure to stay hydrated. 

Facilities – Bathroom facilities will be available at the Project site.

Thanks in advance for your attention to this matter and remaining committed the NoFloCo Mission – keep your ideas and suggestions coming and be sure to let me know if you will be attending this September 28, 2024 NoFloCo Project. 

Skol - - -



“I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.”


Thursday, Sept 19, 2024

Good evening to each of you and many thanks for taking the time to be part of the NoFloCo Project this coming Saturday (September 21, 2024).  While today was an absolute beautiful day - I am not sure what the weather will be like on Saturday.  The good news is, we will be loading slash piles into a trailer and a truck.  Below are the details for the Project.  Please review and let me know if you have any questions.

Mini-Project – Slash Loading and Removal

Project Notes:

Many thanks and let me know if you have any questions.

Skol - - - 


"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."


Honorable Members of the Colorado Wildfire Matters Review Committee - good evening and many thanks for your service and dedication to the residents and taxpayers of the Centennial State.  I also wish to thank you in advance for your attention and consideration of the following information.  I fully understand your busy schedules and the need to stay focused, so I will be brief. 

My name is Donald Moore, I along with my wife, Toni, reside in the Wildland Urban Interface of Teller County.  We are the co-founders of the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse'.  The NoFloCo Mission is as follows:  

To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health; and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.

To date, the efforts of this completely volunteer organization have resulted in the following:

All of the above have been completed on private property located within the WUI and in areas where significant values at risk reside.  It is my belief that the mission of the Wildfire Matters Review Committee - the study of wildfire prevention and mitigation - is closely aligned with the mission of NoFloCo.  The NoFloCo organization continues to provide mitigation services to private property owners, and the issue we are encountering is the same issue that many are facing - the efficient and effective elimination of biomass, i.e. fuel.  There has been a significant amount of mitigation efforts, but the elimination of the fuel is becoming a huge problem.  

My recommendation and request is for all of you to review the 2013 Colorado Prescribed Burning Act, Senate Bill 13-083 and overlay the goals and objectives of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy and find a way for the objectives of the Colorado Prescribed Burning Act to be achieved, not just on state land, but on private property where there is a significant amount of value at risk.  In other words, the use of "good" fire on the ground will produce significant benefits.  Assuming a small amount of risk today will avoid catastrophic devastation in the future.  If you are unwilling to implement and champion the goals and objectives outlined in the Colorado Prescribed Burning Act, then I suggest you rescind this Act and save the taxpayer some funds.

In addition, as policy makers for all the residents of Colorado, I encourage you and/or someone from you staff attend the upcoming National Fire Prevention Agency's Assessing Structure Ignition Potential (ASIP) Training taking place in Divide, CO on the dates of October 10 and 11, 2024.  The ASIP Training provides the latest in fire science and research and outlines how structures within the WUI can survive a wildland fire.  If you are setting policy, you need the training and the information provided.   

I wish to thank you for your time and consideration.  I have given you all a great deal to digest and consider, however this is critical information to have in your role as a Committee Member of the Wildfire Matters Review Committee.  I am proud of the efforts the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' has achieved.  If fact, just today a homeowner contact me and stated that because of the efforts and actions of NoFloCo, their annual insurance premium declined $2,000.  Our efforts are directly impacting private property owners, perhaps some attention should be given to what is working.  I challenge you to stop talking about it, and lets start doing something about it.

I look forward to hearing from you and providing additional information and/or answering your questions.  

Best regards - - - 


Donald Moore

Co-Founder NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse'
