Fire X Grand Challenge Semi-Finalists: 2 (CME/NoFloCo and Druid Hills/NoFloCo) Due the efforts of Mark "Klear Kut" Kolhlman; Victor "VicTree" Poston; Lisa "Safety Zone" Eisenhardt, and Randy Eisenhardt, these two subdivisions have been selected as Semi-Finalists in an international competition to address wildland fires and the efforts being put forth by their communities to confront this environmental concern. These individuals are working hard to make the finalist round so that additional fire mitigation activity can continue to take place on private property, thus reducing devastating wildland fire concerns and having a positive impact on homeowners insurance - Congratulations.
National Press Release on 2/18/2025 regarding NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' from the United States Forest Service, The International Association of Fire Chiefs, The National Fire Protection Association, and the National Foresters Association - Stay Tuned and Congratulations!
Upcoming NoFloCo Projects and Events:
Property Assessments: 19; I have 19 properties that have requested Property Assessments. I would like to establish some teams that can go out and conduct these assessments, please let me know if you are interested.
Trigger Time: 5; I have 5 properties that have requested tree felling needs. I plan on getting two of these completed this week. Please let me know if you are interested.
NoFloCo University Home Hardening/ASIP 4 pm to 6 pm both dates: March 10, 2025 at the Lake George Library and March 11, 2025 at the Woodland Park Library. Please spread the word and have interested people reach out.
NoFloCo Full Scope Project: Saturday, March 15, 2025.
Thanks again and congratulations - you continue to do the right thing all the time.
Part of courage is simple consistency.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Good afternoon and thank you in advance for your attention to this message, significant opportunities await and your participation is requested. As many of you know, NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' has recently changed their organizational structure. We have moved from the Indian Creek Properties Owners Association (ICPOA) 501c to the Mountain Community Coalition (MoCoCo) 501c. For those wishing some additional information, below is a brief recap and summary.
Since inception, NoFloCo has been recognized as an operating committee of ICPOA. As such, NoFloCo was organized under the oversight and voting authority of the ICPOA Board, and operated as a 501c, recognized at both the state and federal level. Reports from the NoFloCo Committee were prepared and submitted to the ICPOA Board at their regularly scheduled Board meetings. Donations received for the work performed by the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' were accounted for through the ICPOA Treasurer and reported annually by ICPOA. The Treasurer would provide reports of the donations and accountings at the regularly scheduled ICPOA Board meetings. In December of 2024, MoCoCo was formed. As of February 22, 2025, NoFloCo no longer is under the ICPOA organization, but is now under the MoCoCo 501c(3) registration, both at the state and federal level. Now you know.
MoCoCo has filed the Articles of Incorporation, the operating By-Laws are being finalized, and there is an operating Board. The mission of MoCoCo is: We are an inclusive community organization that is resilient, motivated, and focused on educating and empowering others with opportunities and resources, to achieve a healthy and robust natural and cultural environment. Under the MoCoCo umbrella will be the following: NoFloCo, FLAME, Community Services, and other operating subsidiaries. The goal for all of this is to be both flexible and adaptable as we grow.
You and your talents, strengths, ideas, and passions will be critical to the success of MoCoCo. We are planning the first meeting of MoCoCo for sometime in the near future (see the possible dates below) and we would like all of you to attend and share your thoughts, comments, suggestions, and get involved. MoCoCo is for everyone that resides in the mountains, owns property in the mountains, knows people who own property in the mountains, or would like to own property in the mountains. This meeting will allow all of us to provide input and comment on the direction and relevance of MoCoCo. We need individuals willing to take on leadership roles of Committee Chairpersons, Event Organizers, Website/Email/Social Media Designers, Process/Project Managers, Information Officers, FUNdraisers, etc. There is something for everyone and we would be honored to have you join us.
The possible dates for this meeting are:
Thursday evening - March 13, 2025
Sunday afternoon - March 16, 2025
Wednesday evening - March 19, 2025
The location of this meeting will take place in Florissant, the exact location will be determined when we receive all of your responses.
Your Action Item:
Let me know that you are interested in participating in the initial MoCoCo meeting and its development and which of the above dates works best for you.
Thanks again for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.
Skol - - -
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Good evening NoFloCo’ers and once again congratulations to each of you for being selected to receive the 2025 National Wildfire Mitigation Award, this is quite an honor but also validation for all of your efforts, focus, and passion. Below is the Project Plan and Prescription for our March 8, 2025 Full Scope Project. Also, please note that the NoFloCo Projects and Events Calendar on now outlines our schedule for 2025. Go check it out; NoFloCo Calendar
Thank you all for your continued and increasing support, to address and implement the NoFloCo Mission.
To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
Please review the Project Plan and Prescription below and address the requested matter outlined in the Action Items section. This will be our 201st Project, you are all part of something amazing.
NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project Work Day - - - Full Scope Project; Saturday, March 8, 2025
Project #: 001-00211-2025 578 and 632 Spring Valley Drive, Florissant - High Chateau
TASK: Fuel Elimination, Firewood Production, Healthier Forest, Education – Continuing with the Property Owners Mitigation
PURPOSE: Reduce the Fuel from the Subject Properties Creating a Safer Environment and a Resilient Forest.
END STATE: Forest Floor Debris Removed, Ladder Fuels Managed, Crowded Forest Thinned, and FUEL Load Reduced.
WHEN: Saturday, March 8, 2025; 8:30 a.m.: As with all projects we will be holding an initial kick-off meeting at approximately 8:35 a.m. If you arrive after that, please locate the Sign-In Table and seek instructions and guidance.
WHERE: 578 and 632 Spring Valley Drive (High Chateau Subdivision: Please review the map and the area if you have any questions. These two properties are owned by the same individuals, their residence is on the 632 Spring Valley Drive address. The properties are located on a dead end route through the subdivision.
WHAT: Full Scope NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project: This will be an exciting project for all, as these two connected properties have something for everyone. The total acreage is approximately 10 acres. There is fuel (biomass) on all sections of the property, we will be focused on the portions to the west and north, with some activity to the south, of the residential structure. We will be eliminating this FUEL in an orderly manner.
Forest Floor Debris Removal: As of this writing, the snow on the property is limited, however we will need to watch the weather. There is forest floor debris that will need to be cleared and cut into firewood or placed on a burn pile. There is a some amount of downed timber that will need to be limbed and bucked into firewood and removed from the property. The Plan is to place all firewood in strategically identified locations for removal, Section Leaders will assist in locating the areas for firewood storage. It may be beneficial to have Limbers and Buckers staged at areas where the firewood and burn piles will be constructed.
Ladder Fuels and SMALL Diameter Tree Removal: Next we will focus on the removal of ladder fuels and small diameter trees. This slash will be placed on the burn piles placed throughout the Project Work Site. A significant amount of the ladder fuels can be removed using a set of loppers, hand-saw, baseball bat, etc. There is plenty of ladder fuel for all. Sleds, tarps, and other sliding devices are recommended to drag the slash to the burn piles.
Tree Felling: Each section of the property has trees that need to be felled, limbed, and bucked. There is a great deal of Dwarf Mistletoe and some Mountain Pine Beetle on the property. We will then be able to have an effective approach to remove the standing trees that have been marked. Again, all Sawyers are to have a Swamper, and all tree felling will be done using the OHLEC method and the NoFloCo Process. Upon the tree being felled and safely on the ground, it will be limbed and then moved to the firewood areas for bucking and stacking. Tractor(s) will be used to assist in this process.
WHY: Continuing the Mission and this is what NoFloCo does. As we all know, High Chateau does have experience with wildland fires, we hope to get more people from the High Chateau neighborhood involved with fire mitigation and NoFloCo.
WHO: All of you, Plus One. I will continue to encourage you to achieve your 2025 NoFloCo Resolution to bring your Plus One. In addition, I look forward to all those that have expressed their interest in becoming part of NoFloCo – the First Timers. Come on out and enjoy some time in the woods helping out. Bring a friend, and be sure to tell your neighbors to come on by and see what it is we do.
Note #1: Please be mindful of others hauling slash to the processing area. We will be monitoring this area for the efficient placement of the slash and firewood.
Note #2: We will be processing a great deal of slash and firewood, so please be sure to bring the proper equipment for this process.
Note #3: The Project Properties have varying degrees of slope and non-slope, depending upon weather snow may also be present. Be sure to dress appropriately and have proper footwear.
Note #4: The Project will be divided into four (4)Work Sections, including our NoFloCo Learning Section, Team Leaders and Team Members will be assigned after I have heard your responses to the Action Items below. All First Time NoFloCo attendees will have a special work area and learning center.
ADDITIONAL Project Notes:
Arrival: After parking find the sign-in table and sign-in with your name and any other information that is requested. Please read the STUPID and the Indemnification documents and attend the Safety Announcement. The Sign-In Table will be located at the entrance to 632 Spring Valley Drive.
Parking: There is parking in the driveway at 632 Spring Valley Drive, as well as on Spring Valley Drive. Please when parking on Spring Valley Drive, only park on one side (Follow The Leader) We will be felling trees, processing slash, and bucking firewood so we may need to move vehicles, please leave keys in the vehicles. available to us throughout the day as well.
Food Crew: Sweetness will be preparing a Food Crew memo and sending it to your attention, if she hasn't already. If you do not hear from Sweetness be sure to reach out to her for more information. Food for our After-Project gathering will be held at the garage and shop area of the Property owners.
Facilities: It is my understanding the facilities will be available and electricity will also be on site.
ACTION ITEMS - Just Three (3)
One – Please confirm that you will be part of our 211th NoFloCo Project. Send me an email, text, phone call, or signing telegram that you will be attending. Thanks in advance for your attention to this request. I wish to have your response by Thursday, March 6, 2025 so I can set the Section Teams. If you wish to be a Section Leader, let me know - - - I love initiative.
Two - On Saturday, March 15, 2025 NoFloCo will be participating in the Woodland Park St. Patrick's Day Parade. We will gather in Woodland Park at 10:30 a.m. on March 15, 2025. Please respond if you would like to participate in the parade and be recognized as the National WMA award winners.
Three - Please get the word out to all of your neighbors, friends, enemies, exes, new residents regarding our upcoming NoFloCo University Home Hardening/ASIP Sessions. We have one scheduled for March 10, 2025 at the Lake George Library and one scheduled for March 11, 2025 at the Woodland Park Library; both sessions begin at 4:00 p.m. Should you want a digital flyer announcing these sessions, let me know.
Skol - - -
"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do"
Monday, March 3, 2025
Greetings all. If you notice someone who might want to join in, send this to them, or let me know and I will.
Tickets to the conference are $500 per person (obviously too much)!
I can get an expo table for $750, that allows 3 people in. I can buy extra seats at the table for $50 each (3 people). Being winners gets us 2 tickets. I have an email asking for more free tickets or more $50 seats. We could double our exhibit space for another $750, perhaps, and 6 more tickets in for less than $1K. Right now, we are blind on who wants to go, how much it will cost, etc. I believe that if you want to commit to going, cost to you will be under $500, for tickets, food lodging for the 25th to the 30th, travel included. We will work to bring that down as much as possible. Perhaps final cost will be $0 to $200 per person.
We think renting a nearby short-term rental home or two is going to be the lowest cost way to proceed: we can eat breakfast in the STR (coffee/toast/eggs/oatmeal), and maybe arrange for some dinners there too (spaghetti, meatloaf, soup). Lunch on your own, perhaps. Carpool to get there. I need to know who can be there from pre-conference to end of conference. We get our award on Friday, March 28. Who can only be there for conference days (27 to 29)
Allen's dad can house Andrea and Allen, our good friends live there and have a big house we could use for Don and I (one other couple, maybe?), perhaps. Jim you want to do the frat house thing if we pay you? People sleeping on every flat surface, just like college, lol?
Don has suggested that we do a push to sell firewood to fund as many people as want to attend. We may be able to make that happen... everyone needs to help carry cut wood to trucks if we go that way.... He is out cutting trees right now for firewood.
If you have a ticket to the WUI Conference, you can take ASIP from NFPA for free pre-conference (25th/26th). It is normally is $1500, which makes you nationally certified if you take their little/easy test. You can also take FACO Neighborhood Ambassador the same dates for free ($100 usually).
We can sell stuff, promote NoFloCo, meet/network, and attend talks. Have fun in downtown KC, be goofy together, take lots of photos, and build the team, making great memories.
The website is Full Schedule , and you can Google WUI Conference for lots of other info.
If someone wants to be in charge and take this off my plate... let me know. You can perhaps write emails that make more sense than this one.
Love to all of you.
Here's a glimpse of what awaits you at WUI 2025:
Pre-Conference Workshops:
Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices Short Course: Dive deep into effective strategies for community wildfire mitigation, learning from the best practices employed by leading fire service professionals.
Assessing Structure Ignition Potential for Wildfire, Training Course: Equip yourself with essential skills in assessing structure ignition potential during wildfires through specialized NFPA training.
Wildland-Urban Interface Risk Assessment & Mitigation for the Fire Service (SFPE Foundation) *Limited space: A training program derived from the WUI Virtual Handbook offering engineering-based knowledge to help fire departments with risk assessments and mitigation strategies.
Evacuation Management for the Fire Service: Share lessons from over two decades of disaster response, focusing on Larimer County’s 2020 wildfire planning and response.
Wildland Fire Assessment Program (NVFC): A program designed to provide volunteer firefighters and non-operational personnel with training on how to properly conduct assessments for homes located in the wildland-urban interface (WUI).
Structure-to-Structure Fire Spread and Vulnerability Modeling; a Physics-Driven Approach to Resiliency and Insurability in the WUI: Focuses on Reducing WUI community vulnerability that can only be achieved through mitigation-driven resilience that disrupts the loss sequence of conflagrations.
Educational Sessions:
Explore a diverse range of sessions covering:Operations and Suppression Techniques
Policy Development for Wildfire Management
Fire-Adapted Community Breakouts
+ more
Networking Opportunities:
Connect with industry experts, fellow professionals, and community leaders to share insights and best practices in the ever-evolving field of wildfire management.Keynote Speakers:
Get inspired with thought-provoking keynotes from leaders in the wildfire management community.Exhibit Hall:
Discover the latest technologies, tools, and resources in the Exhibit Hall to enhance your approach to wildfire response and prevention.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Good afternoon. I want to once again remind you of our two upcoming events.
Friday, February 28, 2025; 10:00 a.m. at the Woodland Park Library; NoFloCo will be holding a Press Conference to announce their selection as the 2025 recipient of the national Wildfire Mitigation Award. The press conference will highlight the recent national and international attention that NoFloCo has received, as well as discuss the mission and future of NoFloCo here in Teller County.
Saturday, March 1, 2025; 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Woodland Park Library; NoFloCo will host an open house to celebrate their recent awards and be available to discuss the NoFloCo process with area residents and those interested in learning more. Come join us for a fun and informative gathering. In addition, we will have some NoFloCo merchandise available as well; including:
Long Sleeve Shirts, in Purple and White: $30.00
Pullover Hoodie, Purple and White: $40.00
Full Zip Hoodie, Purple and White: $50.00
Thanks for your continued support and interest in NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse - you are all to be congratulated for your efforts and commitment. I look forward to seeing you.
Skol - - -
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Good evening, it was a successful and productive week for NoFloCo - a couple of Mini-Projects were completed; firewood provided and delivered; two (2) entrants into the Fire Grand Challenge have located partners for the event; two (2) national awards received, and the organizational structure has been adjusted - quite a week for this amazing group. I know I sound like a broken record, but a day does not pass that I am not continually amazed by your joy and passion as you give of your precious resources. There is no slowing down as we have some additional Projects and Events coming up that continue to address the mission.
Just a quick update on the organizational structure of NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse'. As of today, February 22, 2025 NoFloCo is no longer registered under the Indian Creek Property Owners Association (ICPOA). During the ICPOA meeting it was discussed and voted upon that NoFloCo will now be registered under Mountain Communities Coalition (MoCoCo). On behalf of all those associated with NoFloCo, I wish to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to both the ICPOA Board and membership for leadership and guidance through our formative years. You took a chance on us to commence the provision of fire mitigation, fire awareness, and forest health activities to the community, and we have all been successful. For any of you that desire more information on this topic, please reach out; we will also be providing this information at our February 28, 2025 Press Conference.
Upcoming Projects and Events: Please pay attention to the Projects and Events outlined below. These are all posted on the NoFloCo Calendar. Your Action Item is to let me know which of the following you will be attending and/or what additional information you need. We will be posting specific details on each of these as the date approaches.
NoFloCo Press Conference: Friday, February 28, 2025 @ 10:00 a.m. at the Woodland Park Library - NoFloCo will be presenting to the public the information on their recent selection as the 2025 Wildfire Mitigation Awards recipient.
NoFloCo Open House: Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Woodland Park Library - NoFloCo will be hosting an open house to celebrate their receipt of the Wildfire Mitigation Awards and discuss the future plans of fire mitigation in the region.
NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' Full Scope Project: Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 8:30 a.m. - This will be the early March 2025 Full Scope Project, location TBD.
NoFloCo Entry in the St. Patrick's Day Parade: Saturday, March 15, 2025 @ 11:00 a.m. in Woodland Park - NoFloCo will be wearing the green, at least a little, as we march in this event. Please let me know if you will be attending.
Annual Wildland Urban Interface Conference: Tuesday, March 25 to Saturday March 29, 2025 in Kansas City. Ths conference will provide many great learning opportunities discussing the importance of fire mitigation and home hardening. NoFloCo will also be receiving their 2025 WMA Award at this conference. Please let me know your interest in attending.
Thanks again for a great week, you are special and relevant to so many people, including me. Now don't forget your Action Items.
Skol - - -
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
I plan to say this a lot over the next year: Don and I, first and foremost, thank the amazing volunteers of NoFloCo. There are many of them who challenge us every day to be our best, to stay the course, act with humbleness and integrity. We are honored and amazed by their willingness to consider us leaders.
Next, we thank and appreciate the local and regional businesses, government agencies, and providers who have supported us. CORE Electric, Thetford Realty Team, Department of Natural Resources (COSWAP), Florissant Fire Board Members, Indian Creek/Colorado Mountain Estates/Arabian Acres, and other POAs, Iron Tree Restaurant, and other retailers have believed in our volunteers, mission, and ability to make change.
Finally, we thank the Teller County Commissioners and the Sheriff. The opposition and roadblocks they have put in place to stifle our forward momentum have been the proverbial rock pushed uphill. Just like with Sisyphus, what was intended to punish us has made us excellent and strong. Without this adversity, we would never have become good enough to win the national and international awards we have received this week.
From our award letter today, Feb. 18, 2025: "NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse, along with Don Moore, are the 2025 winners of the National Fire Mitigation Award given by National Association of State Foresters, National Fire Protection Association, USDA Forest Service, and the International Association of Fire Chiefs, in response to the need to recognize the large number of great wildfire mitigation programs and projects that are making a difference on the ground in the United States today. The WMA is the highest national honor one can receive for outstanding work and significant program impact in wildfire preparedness and mitigation."
Additionally, in collaboration with members of Colorado Mountain Estates and Arabian Acres, we have been selected by an international wildland fire Innovator to participate as a community partner in the Fire Grand Challenge as part of the Moore Foundation's work to bring innovative technology to fire mitigation, forest health, and neighborhood protection. We are honored to be part of this amazing opportunity for our volunteers, the wider community, and the world.
So, while we are still a bit dazzled by all the good news coming our way, we are clear that the volunteers of NoFloCo are the finest, smartest, kindest, and best humans around, and we are delighted that they are getting the love, appreciation, and attention they so richly deserve.
Onward and upward, with strength that grows when one does the right things,
Toni Moore
[Edit: I have an error to correct: the cooperating neighborhood "Arabian Acres" should have been "Druid Hills". Very sorry for my oversight. Colorado Mountain Estates was correct as written previously.]
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Good Tuesday morning - There will be a Mini-Tree Felling Project for tomorrow (Wednesday - warmest day of the week). I received a call from the owner, her husband passed away in December and they have an Insurance Report from Allstate indicating that they have issues to address by March 3, or they will be dropped. She is currently in Baltimore, MD dealing with the estate issues.
Using both the Insurance Report and Recommendations, as well as walking the property yesterday (Monday) afternoon, below are my recommendations/suggestions on what we can do to assist her in this matter:
Tree Removal: There are six (6) trees that are within the five-foot recommended zone. Two of these trees are between the main garage and the outbuilding; two of these are on the north side of the outbuilding; and two of these are by the propane tank. All six of these trees are medium-sized Ponderosa Pine trees that are relatively healthy. In addition, there are several weak and distressed Ponderosa Pine trees in your western and southern property zones. Most of these are beyond the 100 foot parameter as outlined in the Insurance Report, but should be thinned for the health of the forest. In total there are about 25 additional trees to be removed.
Project Plan and Prescription: Take Before and After pictures of all work completed. Fell all trees, with limbing and bucking. Firewood to be removed from the property and remaining slash to be placed in erosion area and open area for seasoning and burning at a later date using the prescribed burn plan.
If you would like to assist, below are the specifics:
WHEN: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 @ 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: 233 Monarch Drive, (Florissant Heights) Florissant
WHO: Sawyers and Buckers and Anyone who wants some firewood for next year.
WHAT: Tree Felling - some technical trees and cleanup up. The forest floor and the ladder fuels are clean.
Thanks for your attention and consideration. Just let me know if you plan to attend.
Skol - - -
Monday, February 17, 2025
Welcome to Monday, I trust most of you had a relaxing and enjoyable Sunday, with some laying on the couch watching the Daytona 500. It was another great day in WUI for NoFloCo this past Saturday (2/15) - so a relaxing Sunday was well deserved. My deepest thanks and appreciation to each of you for your continued efforts to achieve the NoFloCo mission.
To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
Below is a summary and recap of our efforts:
Project Type, Date, and #: NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project Work Day - - - Full Scope Project; Saturday, February 15, 2025 Project #: 001-00207-2025
NoFloCo Members: 50; with 10 First Timers (Tori Gomez, Jeanie and Jeff Mutum; Holly and Jeff Welsh; Rory Cabe, Chuck Delarm, Jordan Daniel, Tom Cummings, and Justin Sumpter)
Acres MItigated: 3
Cords of Wood: 7
BTUs Removed: 180,000,000
Volunteer Hours: 225
In-Kind Contribution: $10,181
Purple Helmets Awarded: 2 (Roger "Woodsman" Natchigal and Debbie "Electric Youth" Gibson/Gregory)
But wait, there is more:
Fire X Grand Challenge Semi-Finalists: 2 (CME/NFC and Druid Hills/NFC) Due the efforts of Mark "Klear Kut" Kolhlman; Victor "VicTree" Poston; Lisa "Safety Zone" Eisenhardt, and Randy Eisenhardt, these two subdivisions have been selected as Semi-Finalists in an international competition to address wildland fires and the efforts being put forth by their communities to confront this environmental concern. These individuals are working hard to make the finalist round so that additional fire mitigation activity can continue to take place on private property, thus reducing devastating wildland fire concerns and having a positive impact on homeowners insurance - congratulations.
National Press Release on 2/18/2025 regarding NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' from the United States Forest Service, The International Association of Fire Chiefs, The National Fire Protection Association, and the National Foresters Association - Stay Tuned and Congratulations!
Upcoming NoFloCo Projects and Events:
Property Assessments: 19; I have 19 properties that have requested Property Assessments. I would like to establish some teams that can go out and conduct these assessments, please let me know if you are interested.
Trigger Time: 5; I have 5 properties that have requested tree felling needs. I plan on getting two of these completed this week. Please let me know if you are interested.
NoFloCo University Home Hardening/ASIP: March 10, 2025 at the Lake George Library and March 11, 2025 at the Woodland Park Library. Please spread the word and have interested people reach out.
NoFloCo Full Scope Project: Saturday, March 15, 2025.
Thanks again and congratulations - you continue to do the right thing all the time.
Part of courage is simple consistency.
Don Moore
NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse
Florissant, Colorado
Monday, February 9, 2025
Congratulations Eagles fans and condolences to the Chiefs fans; the big game is over and we can now turn our focus to the upcoming NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' Full Scope Project. Below is the Project Plan and Prescription for our February 15, 2025 Full Scope Project. We will continue to be adaptable and flexible in the achievement of the mission.
To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
Please review the Project Plan and Prescription below and address the requested matter outlined in the Action Items section.
NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project Work Day - - - Full Scope Project; Saturday, February 15, 2025
Project #: 001-00207-2025 684 & 726 Matterhorn Dr., La Montana Mesa
TASK: Fuel Elimination, Firewood Production, Healthier Forest – ladder fuels, thinning, and connecting two properties
PURPOSE: Reduce the Fuel from the Subject Properties Creating a Safer Environment and Enhance the Health of Forest.
END STATE: Forest Floor Debris Removed, Ladder Fuels Managed, Crowded Forest Thinned, and FUEL Load Reduced. Firewood removed and burn piles constructed.
WHEN: Saturday, February 15, 2025; 8:30 a.m.: As with all projects we will be holding an initial kick-off meeting at approximately 8:35 a.m. If you arrive after that, please locate the Sign-In Table and seek instructions and guidance.
WHERE: 684 and 726 Matterhorn Drive (La Montana Subdivision): This will be our first Full Scope Project in the La Montana subdivision.
WHAT: Full Scope NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project: This will be an exciting project for all, as these properties have something for everyone. The total acreage is about 3 acres. Some good mitigation effort has already commenced, but more is needed. We will be eliminating this FUEL in an orderly manner.
Forest Floor Debris Removal: We have forest floor debris that will need to be cleared and cut into firewood or placed onto predetermined burn piles. Firewood will be removed from the property. We will encounter some continued snow cover, so do come prepared.
Ladder Fuels and SMALL Diameter Tree Removal: Next we will focus on the removal of ladder fuels and small diameter trees. This slash will be placed on predetermined piles locations. Sleds, tarps, and other sliding devices are recommended to drag the slash to the burn piles
Tree Felling: Finally, once we have completed the above two items, we will then be able to have an effective approach to remove the standing trees that have been marked. Again, all Sawyers are to have a Swamper, and all tree felling will be done using the OHLEC method and the NoFloCo Process. Upon the tree being felled and safely on the ground, it will be limbed and bucked.
WHY: Continuing the Mission and this is what NoFloCo does. This is our first Full Scope Project in La Montana Mesa. We are also looking forward to residents of La Montana Mesa stopping by and witnessing the benefits of the NoFloCo process and joining the cause.
WHO: All of you, Plus One. I will continue to encourage you to achieve your 2025 NoFloCo Resolution to bring your Plus One. In addition, I look forward to all those that have expressed their interest in becoming part of NoFloCo – the First Timers. Come on out and enjoy some time in the woods helping out. Bring a friend, and be sure to tell your neighbors to come on by and see what it is we do.
Note #1: Please be mindful of others hauling slash and firewood to the processing area. We will be monitoring this area for the efficient placement of the slash and firewood.
Note #2: We will be processing a great deal of slash and firewood, so please be sure to bring the proper equipment for this process.
Note #3: The Project Properties are relatively flat but there will be some slopes and snow will most likely be on the ground. Be sure to dress appropriately and have proper footwear.
Note #4: The Project will be divided into three (3) Work Sections, Team Leaders and Team Members will be assigned after I have heard your responses to the Action Items below. All First Time NoFloCo attendees will have a special work area and learning center. The Project Leader for the First Timer Section will be Limber and Slim (Lydia and Steve Willauer).
ADDITIONAL Project Notes:
Arrival: After parking find the sign-in table and sign-in with your name and any other information that is requested. Please read STUPID and the Safety Announcement. The Sign-In Table will be located near the front of the home structure located at 726 Matterhorn Drive.
Parking: Please park on Matterhorn Drive. We will be felling trees, processing slash, and bucking firewood on the driveway. Please be mindful when parking and park in the same direction as the other vehicles.
Facilities: There will be facilities onsite.
Food Crew: Sweetness (Ellie) will be preparing a Food Crew memo and sending it to your attention. If you do not hear from Sweetness be sure to reach out to her for more information. Food for our After-Project gathering will be brought to the 726 Matterhorn Drive location.
Just One – Please confirm that you will be part of the virgin La Montana Mesa NoFloCo Full Scope Project. Send me an email, text, phone call, or singing telegram that you will be attending. Thanks in advance for your attention to this request. I wish to have your response by Thursday, February 13, 2025 so I can set the Section Teams.
Skol - - -
In honor of Vince Lombardi: It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Sheriff Mikesell and Honorable County Commissioners Campbell, Stone, and Williams;
Good afternoon. In an effort to follow-up on the concerns and questions that I have asked regarding the recent pronouncement from Sheriff Mikesell and the support of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) stating that NoFloCo is not allowed, condoned, or permitted to operate in Teller County, I would like to respectfully once again ask for clarification and answers to the following:
What specific activities are no longer allowed, condoned, and/or permitted? Please outline in detail the activities that NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ is prohibited to perform for the residents and property owners of Teller County, citing the rationale and the codified authority for this prohibition, as well as penalties, if any, for the violation of this prohibition. In addition, please outline and explain whether these non permitted activities and the associated penalties also apply to the property owner/taxpayer that has invited NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ on to their property.
Since the posting of the abovementioned Teller County rule/ordinance/proclamation I and NoFloCo have received 27 requests from county residents seeking fire mitigation assistance. I have informed them, as well as those property owners that are currently on the NoFloCo Project list, of your stance and that NoFloCo is continuing to operate, but is awaiting guidance and response from Teller County officials specific to the above questions. I have also encouraged them to contact your offices should they wish additional input or guidance.
As I have always stated, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with you, discuss this in an open public forum, and establish the framework and process that is agreeable to all, most importantly the residents of Teller County.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your reply.
Regards and Skol - - -
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Good morning - we have about seven (7) Mountain Pine Beetle trees that need to be eliminated. The property is in Indian Creek. Trees to be felled, limbed, and bucked.
Please let me know of your interest - I am looking at tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.
Many thanks - - -
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Good morning - as you look forward to the weekend, please plan on joining us this coming Saturday for a fun evening, meet new friends, and win prizes.
Please review the information below and let us know if you will be joining us - space is limited.
Many thanks for your support and attention to this great opportunity to have some mid-winter excitement and fun.
Skol - - -
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Honorable Sheriff Mikesell and Commissioners Campbell, Stone, and Williams;
It is my belief that the recent edict announced by you, the elected officials of Teller County, specifically addressing the activities of the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse', was based upon much thought, community input, open discussion, due process, policy guidelines, motions, and perhaps even a vote at the Board of County Commissioner level. In fact the Teller County Department Operational Work Plan, Item #14 states: "All powers of the county government are exercised by the Board of County Commissioners." I am incredibly appreciative of your omnipotence and the efforts you each put forth on a daily basis for the betterment of the residents and taxpayers of Teller County. It is evident you do not take your responsibilities lightly. Therefore, I know there is a great deal of documentation and due process behind this recent prohibition of the activities of the all-volunteer group known as NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’. I am however also a little disappointed that input from its membership and the property owners who benefit from this no-cost mitigation service were not included in this seemingly unilateral decision.
I also wish to apologize for distracting you from the bigger and more important systemic issues that you, as elected officials, are currently focused on for the betterment of life, health, and safety of the Teller County residents. Issues such as Venezuelan cartels, Ring the Peak interlopers, inaccurate WUI definitions, and of course the communistic efforts in Denver to take away our guns and other Constitutional freedoms. I am certain that we can address the alleged “gnat-like” nuisance issues you have identified specific to the activities of NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ in relatively short order with a minimal amount of additional information and answers to our questions that are outlined below.
Based upon the recent pronouncement from Sheriff/Fire Marshall Jason Mikesell and the support of the Board of County Commissioners (Robert Campbell, Erik Stone, and Dan Williams) stating that the fire mitigation activities of the all-volunteer group of NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ are no longer approved, condoned, or permitted in Teller County, I am respectfully requesting what specific activities are no longer permitted? If you would be so kind as to outline in detail the activities that NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ are prohibited to perform for the residents and property owners of Teller County, citing the rationale and the codified authority for this prohibition, as well as penalties, if any, for the violation of this prohibition, it would be very much appreciated. In addition, a further explanation as to whether these prohibited activities and the associated penalties also apply to the individual property owner/taxpayer that have invited NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ onto their property, is requested.
As I have stated above, the information and answers to my requests have certainly been considered and have already been developed by you and your staffs, therefore they just need to be made public. I look forward to your response and additional detail. Upon receipt of the above requested information, the members of NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ will consider the information and take appropriate steps. However, until such time, NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ will continue to provide no-cost fire mitigation services to the residents and taxpayers of Teller County.
Please note that I, along with the members of NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' would be receptive to having an open public forum on this matter so that the voices on both sides of this issue can be heard and fully vetted by all interested and impacted parties. Many thanks for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your reply.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Good morning. We have many items happening this week, believe it or not, the mission continues. Please review and let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.
To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
Projects and Events for the Week of January 20, 2025:
Thursday, January 23, 2025: Mini Project - Tree Felling (Two (2) Properties in Highland Lakes)
Friday, January 24, 2025: Fun Night - Dance Party (Austin Ross Band at the Crystola Roadhouse 6:30 p.m.)
Saturday, January 25, 2025: NoFloCo University Home Hardening/ASIP (Session One at 10:00 a.m.; Session Two at 1:00 p.m.; Florissant Library)
Saturday, January 25, 2025: Jefferson County Town Hall Meeting
Future Projects and Events
Week of January 27, most likely on Wednesday (1/29): Mini Project in La Montana Mesa
February 1, 2025: Fun Night - Dinner and Games at Florissant Library
February 15, 2025: Full Scope Project
Also, we now have the NoFloCo Calendar of Projects and Events posted on the NoFloCo website. Here is the link to the page that shows all the projects and events that are currently scheduled. If you have a NoFloCo project/event you would like to add, please let me know and we will get it posted. NoFloCo Calendar
As always, you are all the very best individuals assisting the community with a community-wide issue impacting us all. Stay focused and let me know if you need additional information.
Skol - - -
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Good Thursday morning, it appears as though we may be on a warming trend. This will be the one of several emails in your InBox from me this morning regarding NoFloCo activities this week. Thanks in advance for your indulgence and support.
We have two properties in Highland Lakes that would like to have some trees removed. One property has two (2) trees and the other has three (3) trees. The wood will be removed and the slash placed at the road.
This Mini-Project will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2025.
Please let me know if you are interested in assisting and I will make the plan. Depending upon participation, this should take less than two hours.
Skol - - -
Friday, January 17, 2025
Good morning. As some of you know, the Teller County Sheriff (Jason Mikesell) provided a press release yesterday (1/16/2025) stating his concerns with NoFloCo and their activities. Sheriff Mikesell as an elected official has stated he does not approve, condone, or permit the activities of NoFloCo in Teller County.
We have been contacted by several media outlets and have provided our response (below).
NoFloCo Response
Over the past four years the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' organization has requested Sheriff Mikesell visit a NoFloCo Project and witness firsthand the fire mitigation activities performed by the all volunteer group; this has yet to happen. The mission of NoFloCo is to proactively assist private property owners with fire mitigation, fire awareness, and forest health; implement the tenets of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy; make the community safer, improve property appearance and have fun. We do challenge the status quo and the outdated process regarding how "there is nothing anyone can do specific to wildland fire". We do ask questions of our elected officials and are critical when we believe they are acting in their own best interest, and not for the good of the community and its residents. Current fire science and research indicate a strong possibility of structure survivability if proactive steps are taken. We use this information to assist the private property owners in our community through both mitigation projects and educational seminars. NoFloCo has assisted over 200 private property owners with fire mitigation at no cost, the majority of these projects are for property owners that cannot afford to pay to have the work complete. It is unfortunate that Sheriff Mikesell sees the efforts of NoFloCo as a threat and concern in Teller County and will no longer permit this volunteer group to assemble and provide assistance to private property owners and residents. This is even more troubling in light of the current insurance related matters affecting property owners and the devastating fires occurring in California. NoFloCo looks forward to further clarification from Sheriff Mikesell and Teller County Officials as to what laws, ordinances, regulations, or policies have been violated or found to be in noncompliance. NoFloCo and its volunteers never expected this much opposition from neighbors helping neighbors to make the community a little safer from one of the largest threats impacting our lives.
Action Item
With the bad weather rapidly approaching and our Full Scope Project scheduled for tomorrow (1/18/2025) being postponed, I still have a request and action item for each of you. The Sheriff's Press Release regarding NoFloCo is posted on the Teller County Sheriff's Office Facebook page (link below). Please click on the link and search for NoFloCo - you should then see the press release posting. I request that you review the post, think about how NoFloCo has assisted you, provided you with education, training, friendship, a sense of community, etc. and comment on the post, this is your opportunity to be part of a positive solution. Toni and I have received so many great comments and private messages from so many of you, my request for you now is to make your voice heard and your support public. We stand strong, and we stand together.
Teller County Sheriff's Office Facebook Page
[Edit: Direct link to post]
Thank you for taking a few minutes to continue your support of the NoFloCo mission and its people.
Skol - - -
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Good afternoon. Believe it or not, every so often I have a moment of sanity and I am truly concerned for your health and safety, and that of the NoFloCo organization. Based upon the impending doom projected by all the weather wonks, the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' Full Scope Project scheduled for this coming Saturday (January 18, 2025) has been POSTPONED. The projected cold and snow, along with the subject property prescription does not bode well for a successful project. Our NoFloCo Projects are designed to mitigate risks. not increase risks.
Again the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' Full Scope Project scheduled for Saturday, January 18, 2025 has been POSTPONED.
Please note, there is still plenty of opportunity for achieving the NoFloCo mission over the next week or so.
Mini Project - Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - Tree Felling; Highland Lakes
Mini Project - Thursday, January 16, 2025 - Tree Felling and Bucking - Palmer Village
Mini Project - Friday, January 17, 2025 - Tree Felling and Property Assessments - TBD
Mini Project - Saturday, January 18, 2025 - Fun; the Official NoFloCo Band (Austin Ross Band) at the Blue Moose Tavern in Green Mountain Falls - 6:30 p.m.
NoFloCo University - Saturday, January 25, 2025 - Session #2 Home Hardening/ASIP; Florissant Library
Many thanks to all of you that have confirmed your attendance. Please be sure to review the calendar on for additional information on upcoming events.
Should you need more information on the above listed Mini-Projects please let me know. Be sure to pay attention to the "FUN" Event on January 18, 2025 at the Blue Moose in Green Mountain Falls - be sure to wear your jacket.
Thanks again, stay safe and warm. I look forward to seeing several of you over the next week.
Skol - - -
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Good evening NoFloCo’ers and Happy New Year. I know that you are all anxiously anticipating the announcement and information for our upcoming NoFloCo Project – the wait is over. Below is the Project Plan and Prescription for our January 18, 2025 Full Scope Project. Also, please note that the NoFloCo Projects and Events Calendar on now outlines our schedule for 2025. Go check it out.
Thank you all for your continued and increasing support, passion, and effort to address the NoFloCo Mission.
To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
Please review the Project Plan and Prescription below and address the requested matter outlined in the Action Items section. This will be our 201st Project, you are all part of something amazing.
NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project Work Day - - - Full Scope Project; Saturday, January 18, 2025
Project #: 001-00201-2025 788 Blue Mesa, Divide - Highland Lakes
TASK: Fuel Elimination, Firewood Production, Healthier Forest – Connecting Mitigated Properties and Formation of PODS
PURPOSE: Reduce the Fuel from the Subject Properties Creating a Safer Environment and Enhance the Health of Forest.
END STATE: Forest Floor Debris Removed, Ladder Fuels Managed, Crowded Forest Thinned, and FUEL Load Reduced.
WHEN: Saturday, January 18, 2025; 8:30 a.m.: As with all projects we will be holding an initial kick-off meeting at approximately 8:35 a.m. If you arrive after that, please locate the Sign-In Table and seek instructions and guidance.
WHERE: 788 and 886 Blue Mesa Drive (Highland Lakes Subdivision: Please review the map and the area. This will be our first Full Scope Project in the Highland Lakes subdivision. The properties are located on a main route through the subdivision. Project Plan will be utilizing gravity and most if not all fuel (biomass) will be hauled downhill to Blue Mesa Drive. Please see Parking Information below.
WHAT: Full Scope NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project: As I have outlined above, this will be an exciting project for all, as these properties has something for everyone. The total acreage is about 3 acres and with the exception of the house and driveway, every portion of this property has FUEL on it. We will be eliminating this FUEL in an orderly manner.
Forest Floor Debris Removal: We have forest floor debris that will need to be cleared and cut into firewood or placed. There is a significant amount of downed timber that will need to be limbed and cut into firewood and removed from the property. The Plan is to bring all fuel down the slope to Blue Mesa Drive for the creation of slash piles AND the bucking of firewood. We will have trucks and tractors to assist. Each Limbers and Buckers will be staged at the lower portion of each section to process the slash
Ladder Fuels and SMALL Diameter Tree Removal: Next we will focus on the removal of ladder fuels and small diameter trees. This slash will be placed on the piles close to Blue Mesa Drive. A significant amount of the ladder fuels can be removed using a set of loppers, hand-saw, baseball bat, etc. There is plenty of ladder fuel for all. Sleds, tarps, and other sliding devices are recommended to drag the slash down the slope.
Tree Felling: Finally, once we have completed the above two items, we will then be able to have an effective approach to remove the standing trees that have been marked. Again, all Sawyers are to have a Swamper, and all tree felling will be done using the OHLEC method and the NoFloCo Process. Upon the tree being felled and safely on the ground, it will be limbed and then moved down the slope. Tractors and winches will be used to assist in this process.
WHY: Continuing the Mission and this is what NoFloCo does. This is our first Full Scope Project in Highland Lakes. The leadership and residents of Highland Lakes have expressed an interest in the formation of a NoFloCo Chapter. In addition, this Project will begin to connect mitigated properties that are located on a main ingress/egress route within the subdivision. We are also looking forward to members of the Highland Lakes Firewise Committee and Property Owners Association witnessing the benefits of such a community project list.
WHO: All of you, Plus One. I will continue to encourage you to achieve your 2025 NoFloCo Resolution to bring your Plus One. In addition, I look forward to all those that have expressed their interest in becoming part of NoFloCo – the First Timers. Come on out and enjoy some time in the woods helping out. Bring a friend, and be sure to tell your neighbors to come on by and see what it is we do.
Note #1: Please be mindful of others hauling slash down the slope to the processing area. We will be monitoring this area for the efficient placement of the slash and firewood.
Note #2: We will be processing a great deal of slash and firewood, so please be sure to bring the proper equipment for this process.
Note #3: The Project Properties do have a slope and snow is present. Be sure to dress appropriately and have proper footwear.
Note #4: The Project will be divided into three (2) Work Sections, Team Leaders and Team Members will be assigned after I have heard your responses to the Action Items below. All First Time NoFloCo attendees will have a special work area and learning center. The Project Leader for the First Timer Section will be Limber and Slim (Lydia and Steve Willauer).
ADDITIONAL Project Notes:
Arrival: After parking find the sign-in table and sign-in with your name and any other information that is requested. Please read STUPID and the Safety Announcement. The Sign-In Table will be located at the entrance to 886 Blue Mesa Drive..
Parking: Please park on the East Side of Blue Mesa Drive – the side opposite from the Project Work Zone. We will be felling trees, processing slash, and bucking firewood on the West Side of Blue Mesa. Please be mindful when parking and park in the same direction as the other vehicles.
Facilities: There will be a NoFloCo Porta Potty onsite, in addition, the Highland Lakes Clubhouse will be available to us throughout the day as well.
Food Crew: Cookie Carolyn will be preparing a Food Crew memo and sending it to your attention. If you do not hear from Cookie Carolyn be sure to reach out to her for more information. Food for our After-Project gathering will be brought to the Highland Lakes Clubhouse. Cookie Carolyn will provide you with directions to the Clubhouse.
Celebration and NoFloCo Band: But wait, there’s more - - - not only will we be enjoying the fun and fresh air of a Full Scope NoFloCo Project, the Official NoFloCo Band (The Austin Ross Band) will be in the area for a NoFloCo gathering on the evening of Saturday, January 18th!
Just One – Please confirm that you will be part of the virgin Highland Lakes NoFloCo Full Scope Project. Send me an email, text, phone call, or signing telegram that you will be attending. Thanks in advance for your attention to this request. I wish to have your response by Thursday, January 16, 2025 so I can set the Section Teams.
Skol - - -
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
A NoFloCo Happy New Year Wish and Challenge
Happy New Year 2025 to all the wonderful, amazing, and gracious members of NoFloCo. We began 2024 with a resolution to continue the implementation of the NoFloCo mission - we set quantitative and qualitative goals and they were achieved. I see know reason to adjust our resolution for 2025, other than to increase the number of residents that receive our information and attend our projects - Educate, Motivate, Elevate.
My challenge for each of you in 2025 is to talk to one person, one resident, one property owner, and have this one person attend a NoFloCo Project in 2025.
As you each look forward to 2025 and establish your individual professional and personal goals, please consider the challenge above. To proactively achieve the reduction of fuels and the mitigation of devastating wildland fire it will take a concerted effort from all of us residing within the WUI.
Thank you again for a very successful 2024 and I look forward to assisting you with your 2025 resolutions and I expect you to call me out when I am slacking on mine.
Cheers and Skol - - -
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Sawyer Check-In; Request is Needed (Action Required)
Good Sunday morning and Happy New Year 2025! In an effort to update the various NoFloCo mailing lists, I am requesting a simple response from each of you and your attention is greatly appreciated. I want to make sure that you receive all of the information and availability of the opportunities we receive.
I know that you are all incredibly busy, so I will attempt to make this simple. Two questions that require two multiple choice answers - and you cannot get these wrong.
1) Is this your correct email address and are you receiving my email messages in you In-Box?
a) Yes
b) Yes, but your messages go to my Spam Folder
c) No, please use this email address: ___________
2) What is your preferred method of receiving communication from me regarding NoFloCo and Sawyer activity?
a) Email
b) Text Message
c) Phone Message
d) Facebook
e) US Mail
f) Carrier Pigeon
g) Town Crier
h) Shut the F Up and Leave Me Alone, You Annoy Me
A couple of events/projects on the horizon if you are interested:
o Mini-Project on January 8, 2025
o Full Scope Project on January 18, 2025
o Assisting with S212 Certification - Colorado Fire Camp (May and September 2025)
o Advance Sawyer Training Fall 2025
Thanks again for your attention to this matter - I look forward to your responses and hearing from each of you. Please send responses to
Skol and Happy New Year - - -
Thursday, December 26, 2024
This is for general information for anyone who cares about Fire Mitigation, Forest Health, the tenants of the Cohesive Strategy, and getting on the right side of the over growth of American forests.
Colorado State University is doing a research study on how HOAs/POAs work with their residents to address the fire mitigation crisis in Colorado.
I filled it out for ICPOA from my perspective, but I believe the more voices they hear from, the better their results will be. If you are active in your POA or HOA on the board, in advocating for fire mitigation inside your neighborhood, or part of their fire mitigation committee, I recommend taking the short survey and adding your voice to this research.
Thanks, as always, for all you do to make our wonderful mountain home a little bit better. ---Toni Moore
LInk to survey:
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Good Christmas Eve 2024 to each of you. It has been an amazing year for NoFloCo and each one of you have had an impact on the continued achievement and betterment of the NoFloCo mission and the community you call home. Your involvement, support, dedication, commitment, and passion are very much recognized and appreciated.
As you reflect upon the past year with family and friends, and set goals and objectives for the upcoming 2025, I would like you to consider the achievements outlined below and understand that if not for you, these would not have occurred. It is you and your desire to be an active participant in the solution to a situation/problem impacting us all that is the real magic in making things happen. You, as a caring and important participant within NoFloCo is a reason for my joy and peace this year; great people are in abundance and working towards a common goal is an enjoyable journey. No matter the headwinds, the naysayers, the obstacles, or the adversity, NoFloCo is a united force that continues to "do the right thing" and improve the life, health, and safety of our community.
NoFloCo Mission: To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
2024 NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' Achievements
86 Property Assessments
37 Projects
57.5 Acres Mitigated
121.5 Cords of Firewood Donated
3,209,527 BTU's of Fuel Eliminated
147 New Members
21 Purple Helmets and Nicknames Awarded
40 NoFloCo Awardee Jackets
1 First Place Bed Race and 1 Best Bed Award
2nd Annual Christmas Tree Give-Away
Commencement of NoFloCo University
Numerous Educational Posts and Discussions on Social Media
Increased Input into Regional and State-wide Programs
Continued Support of Corporate Sponsors and Organizations
Improved Challenging of the "status quo"
252 County Residents Received Home Hardening and ASIP Training via NoFloCo University
Countless Friendships Created
AND so much more
I may be biased, but I would have to say "Mission Accomplished".
My wish for each of you during this special Christmas and Holiday Season is to reflect upon all of the "great" you have provided to your community through your NoFloCo efforts and know that they are very much appreciated and honored. You are a hero and a friend and I so look forward to moving the mission to even greater heights in 2025.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Skol - - -
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Good Sunday evening all and many thanks for your response and interest in the NoFloCo Mini-Project for tomorrow (Monday). We have our Sawyers, so stay tuned for more opportunities. As you know, we plan to have Advanced Sawyer Training in 2025, and the more opportunities we receive, the better we will be. If all of you could please let me know if you are interested in attending the Advanced Sawyer Training, I will be sure to get you all trigger time and practice opportunities.
To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
WHEN: Monday, December 23, 2024
WHERE: 377 Crystal Peak Road, Florissant, CO
WHAT: NoFloCo Mini Project - Tree Felling; We will be using OHLEC and presenting this information to other Sawyers, We will discuss and learn from each other; We will be dropping, limbing, bucking, and swamping four (4) Ponderosa Pine Trees. Slash piles will be constructed and firewood produced.
WHO: Sawyers for Trigger Time
Thanks again for all your responses. Please let me know if you are interested in additional opportunities.
Skol and Merry Christmas - - - Sleep well - - -
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Good morning and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We have an opportunity for some additional trigger time prior to Santa arriving. We have a property owner that is requesting the removal of four (4) Ponderosa Pines - all infested with Mountain Pine Beetle.
We will be conducting this mini-Project tomorrow (Monday, December 22, 2024). I am requesting four (4) sawyers to assist with this Project - one tree each.
Please reach out and let me know if you are interested and I will provide you with the details. The subject property is located in Florissant, about 1 mile from the Mercantile.
Many thanks and Skol Sunday - - -
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Good morning! I trust you are well and looking forward to the fast-approaching holiday season. This is definitely an exciting time of the year with many activities to occupy your time, including NoFloCo. Below is an update on several NoFloCo Projects and Events that are in progress and need your attention, assistance, and participation. Thanks again for all you do to address the mission of NoFloCo and for your continued support and energy.
Mission Statement: To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
NoFloCo Projects and Events
Mini-Project - Tree Felling and Firewood Harvesting: The primary purpose of this Mini-Project is to assist the property owner with tree removal and produce firewood for the NoFloCo Firewood Raffle that will be taking place during the Christmas Tree Give-Away and the Christmas Parade. A total of three (3) cords of firewood will be raffled and delivered to the raffle winners. Sawyers, Limbers, Buckers, and Swampers will be needed to assist with this Project. Trailers will be loaded with firewood.
Project Manager: Bob and Cathy Perry -
WHEN: Friday, November 22, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: 1187 Gold Dust Creek Road, Florissant (Indian Creek)
WHAT: NoFloCo Mini-Project – Focus on tree felling and the production of firewood. Trees have been identified and sawyers will fell trees for limbing, bucking, and swamping. Firewood will be placed on trailers for delivery.
WHY: To continue the NoFloCo mission, assist a property owner, produce a product (firewood) for the NoFloCo raffle. In addition, it is also a great deal of fun.
WHO: You, your neighbor, and a visiting relative.
Mini-Project - Christmas Tree Give Away: This project will involve the harvesting and delivery of Christmas Trees to predetermined locations in downtown Florissant for the NoFloCo Christmas Tree Give-Away. Local merchants including Thetford Real Estate Agency; Iron Tree; Florissant Mercantile; and Pikes Peak Historical Society will also be participating. Locations for tree harvesting have been located and identified. Trees will be cut, loaded, and delivered. If you have trees that would be good Christmas trees that need harvesting on your property, let us know and we can make arrangements.
Project Manager: Jenn Chaney - and Don Moore -
WHEN: Week of December 1 to 6, 2024 -
WHERE: Various
WHAT: Tree harvesting for the Christmas Tree Give-Away.
WHY: To continue the removal of smaller diameter and weak trees to be repurposed for Christmas Trees.
WHO: You and any other Grinches that wish to grow their heart size.
Mini-Project - Lights Above the Clouds Christmas Parade Preparation: We have talked about this for a couple of years and now we are doing it. We have officially entered the Lights Above the Clouds Christmas Parade. The theme for this year's parade is "Back to the Future". We have already had some incredible effort taking place on our entry, but we do need all of your assistance, ideas, and silliness to once again make this an "A +" Project.
Project Manager: Richard Dudley - and Cathy Perry -
WHEN: Anytime between now and December 7, 2024
WHERE: TBD - just ask
WHAT: NoFloCo Float building and preparation.
WHY: To create the best damn "Back to the Future" Parade entry this side of the nut house.
WHO: All
Please be sure to review each of the above Mini-Projects and reach out to the Project Managers with any questions you may have AND confirming your participation. Also, feel free to let me know if you have any questions as well.
NoFloCo Notes and Items of Interest
Property Assessments: We have been receiving several requests from real estate agents, home owners, and insurance agents for assistance with Property Assessments. Several NoFloCo members have obtained their Assessing Structure Ignition Potential certification from the NFPA and are assisting with these assessments. Gizmo Schultz has prepared a Property Assessment Checklist which we will be using to assist in the production of the NoFloCo Report and Project Prescription. In addition, Klear Kut Kohlman has assisted in conducting various assessments. I have also been in contact with the Florissant Fire Department regarding this matter and their plans on assessments. Please be sure to have all interested property owners reach out if they are interested in an assessment.
Home Hardening and ASIP Training for Residents: To date, NoFloCo has provided Session #2 of NoFloCo University - Home Hardening and ASIP - to 192 residents. Gizmo Schultz has another Session #2 planned for the residents of Highland Lakes for the month of December - so far he has over 100 residents signed up. In addition, we will have another Session #2 at the Florissant Library at the end of January. If any of you have not attended, these are your next opportunities. Also, if you would like a Session #2 to be provided in your subdivision/HOA/POA please reach out and we will get it scheduled. Part of our mission is to educate the residents.
NoFloCo University Session #3: We are currently putting together Session #3 for NoFloCo University. This Session will focus on mitigation efforts in Zone 2, 3, and 4, as well as the planning and prescription process for the NoFloCo Projects. Session #3 is being planned for some time in January 2025!
NoFloCo Firewood Raffle: As you know, NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' operates as a Committee of the Indian Creek Property Owners Association (ICPOA). ICPOA is obtaining their 2024 State of Colorado Raffle license/permit which is allowing us to raffle firewood. We will be raffling off three (3) cords of firewood during the next three weeks - so be sure to watch the announcements and spread the word to all those needing firewood.
Many thanks for reading, pondering, and responding. I look forward to seeing all of you during the Holiday Season. As always, please reach out with any questions or comments.
We Are, NoFloCo!
Skol - - -
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity."
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Good Sunday afternoon - I trust those of you that were on the NoFloCo Project yesterday (Saturday, October 26, 2024) are well rested and benefiting from the infusion of Mycobacterium vaccae. As the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation movement continues to gather momentum, it seems that our Projects are also bigger and grander - and yesterday was no exception.
We provided mitigation assistance on three properties, to three relatively new property owners, at an important ingress and egress intersection within the Indian Creek subdivision.
We removed a significant amount of biomass (fuel) from the forest in the form of useful firewood for those in need.
We strengthened our friendships and community by working together for a common goal of improving the forest and reducing fire risk.
We provided additional education, training, and hands-on "doing" to members of the public;
We ate some of the best food and desserts ever; and
We finally had a visit from the Sheriff's Office, not one Sheriff's vehicle, not two Sheriff's vehicles, but three Sheriff's vehicles.
You all should be very proud of what you accomplished during our recent NoFloCo Project. If you are out and about, I suggest you all take a drive by these properties and see the difference.
A quick NoFloCo By the Numbers from our recent Project:
Attendees: 80
Total Work Hours: 360
Properties Assisted: 3
Acres Mitigated: 5.2
Cords of Fire Wood: 10
BTUs Eliminated: 257,250,000
Purple Helmet Awards: 1
A couple of special the from the Project:
Thanks to the Property Owners - Tara and Jerry McDowell; Michelle and Jonathan Starr; and CJ and Kirk Strange for providing us the opportunity to assist them with their mitigation efforts and invading their property on a Saturday.
An amazing thank you to the Food Crew and all of those that donated food for feeding all of us - the biggest crowd to date.
The Ambassador of the Day goes to Pat "Patsquatch" Pansini for his tact and diplomacy for speaking with Teller County's finest - Teller County Sheriff's Office - and handling the matter on our behalf.
To our photographer Allen Schultz, he reviewed and photographed the properties on Thursday to obtain the "Before" pictures, and then all his efforts for obtaining the "After" pictures. Also, to Robin Bruce for all of her great pictures as well.
To Steve Prell, John Whitted, Jonathan Starr, and others with the ATVs and Tractor, making the movement of material so much more effective and efficient.
Scream or Aggression Therapy, a new offering during our NoFloCo Projects - Patty Franke was destroying the ladder fuels with the baseball bat - I think I even heard some screaming.
I wish to also thank Steve "Slim" Willauer - he assisted on all three (3) Projects this week - he needs to find a hobby!!!
Taylorae "Swiftie" Gilbert - congratulations on obtaining your Purple Helmet. We look forward to seeing you at many more Projects.
To Susan Osbeck and John Matthew for attending their second Full Scope Project in as many attempts.
Thanks to the Section/Team Leaders for Section M - Mark "Klear Kut" Kohlman and Section O - Toni The Flame, you both did a fantastic job in implementing the planned prescription. For those of you in Section N - my apologies for being ineffective in my leadership, you guys were exceptional.
Upcoming NoFloCo Projects and Events
First, Happy Halloween and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Be safe and enjoy your family and friends during these festive occasions.
Mini-Projects - If any of you are aware of Mini-Projects, be sure to reach out to NoFloCo and we can assist.
NoFloCo Home Hardening and Assessing Structure Ignition Potential Training - This will be our 4th Offering of this class and it takes place on Monday, October 28, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Florissant Public Library. For those of you that have not yet attended NoFloCo University #2 - this is what you need to attend. For those of you that have, please invite your neighbor, friend, or colleague to attend. So far we have trained/instructed 153 residents on this information, our goal is 500.
NoFloCo Christmas Tree Give-Away - this is scheduled for Saturday, December 7, 2024 - approximately 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Florissant at the Thetford Real Estate Office. We have a great plan for tree harvesting and set up, however if any of you have any Christmas items you no longer need, start gathering them up. Also we can always use help in advertising and tree loading. Any questions on this please address them to Bob and Cathy Perry ( Jenn Chaney (
Lights Above the Clouds Christmas Parade - This year's theme is "Back to the Future". We will be putting a float and entry in the parade and all of you are needed to assist in the Project. Richard "Sir Richard" Dudley and Steve "Slim" Willaur will be commencing the construction of our Delorean, but we need all of your ideas and suggestions - so reach out and let's create another "First Place" entry.
NoFloCo Action Items
Project Comments and Feedback - Some of you have already provided me with very useful comments and feedback. Please do reach out and let me know your thoughts and observations - good, bad, and or ugly.
NoFloCo Home Hardening and ASIP University - Monday, October 28, 2024 5:00 p.m. at the Florissant Library. AS outlined above, if you haven't attended, now is the time. If you have attended, I need each of you to invite two people and have them attend this session - it may just save their home.
Christmas Tree Give-Away - Provide any assistance and input you can.
Lights Above the Clouds Christmas Parade - All your ideas, energy, and imagination are needed. Reach out.
Again, a large NoFloCo thanks from me to each of you. You all just continue to amaze me and make me proud to be part of this movement. We are family; We are friends; We are united; We are NoFloCo!
Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024
Good Tuesday evening - I am not sure that I will be posting NoFloCo News and Updates on a daily basis, however I do have some timely items I wish to share with you all. For those of you that do not care, please locate the "trash can" icon and delete.
First, a huge "thank you" to all that have responded to my most recent message regarding the NoFloCo Appreciation Gala and the upcoming projects and events. There is lots of momentum happening.
Second, it appears as though the summary of the NoFloCo Appreciation Gala and the wearing of the NoFloCo Jackets has garnered the attention of many. We have been contacted by the local press asking for more information. I cannot let the opportunity pass without once again thanking each of you that were in attendance this past Saturday, and those of you that were with us in spirit. No matter how big or small your contribution and effort to the NoFloCo mission, it is vital, important, needed and so very much appreciated.
We were quite busy this past Saturday and in the excitement and energy of the evening, there were items I forgot to mention. Toni and I fully understand and have stated this to all of you on several occasions, you all have busy lives and any contribution you make to NoFloCo is valued and honored. Believe it or not, Toni and I have lives that are outside of NoFloCo. However your partner/spouse, kids/family, job/career, travel/vacation, hobbies/social, etc. should all take precedence over NoFloCo. I look forward to each of you earning your NoFloCo Jacket; many of you are close, others are commencing their journey. The reason behind the "Purple Pennants" was to provide you a placeholder for your pins until you earn your NoFloCo Jacket.
What I forgot to mention on Saturday is that 40 NoFloCo Jackets were awarded; 28 Jackets were awarded to individuals that have attended 15 or more NoFloCo Projects and remain as active members; an additional 8
Jackets were awarded to individuals that have attended 11 to 14 NoFloCo Projects AND 20% of the 2024 Projects (the thinking here was to award those individuals that have not had as many opportunities as us "old-timers"); 1 Jacket was awarded to a Food Crew regular; and 3 Jackets were awarded based upon subjective factors. My apologies for not providing you with the information. As stated above, I look forward to many more of you earning your NoFloCo Jacket over the next 12 months. In fact, I hope to have more NoFloCo Project opportunities for you.
In fact, there are three (3) NoFloCo Projects happening within the next four (4) days - two Mini-Projects and a Full Scope Project. Calling all NoFloCo'ers:
Mini-Project Tree Felling - Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Need: 2 Sawyers and 2 Swampers. Located in Sherwood Forest, Estimated Time: 90 minutes
Mini-Project Forest Floor Debris and Ladder Fuel - Friday, October 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Need: Approximately 8 individuals to clear some forest floor debris and ladder fuels. Located in CCME, Estimated Time: 2 hours
Full Scope Project - Saturday, October 26, 2024 (You all have this information.)
Let me know if the Mini-Projects above interest you and I will provide you with details.
Thanks again for all you do and my apologies for not providing you with this information on Saturday evening. As always, should you have any questions just reach out, sleep is overrated.
Skol - - -
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Donald Moore<>
To:Donald Moore
Sun 10/20/2024 9:05 PM
Good evening. Once again, I would like to thank each of you for your fantastic contributions to the NoFloCo Mission and Vision. Many Opportunities remain and I look forward to partnering with each of you as our movement continues to gain momentum. The message below has three (3) primary sections, each one of them requires your attention and action. Your attention and response is requested for each of the three (3) sections. Thanks in advance for your attention to these items.
SECTION #1: NoFloCo Appreciation Gala Summary
To quote from the movie The Hangover, “We had a sick night bitches.” Well maybe not like in the movie, but it was an epic evening nonetheless. Coming together as a group to celebrate our accomplishments and set goals for the future, while at the same time recognizing and appreciating each of you was quite memorable. Thanks to each of you for making the evening special, the walk down memory lane outlined how far we have come in our mission. The train is moving, so glad to have you all on board. Below is a quick summary of the evening.
NoFloCo Appreciation Gala – By The Numbers
· Attendees: 94
· NoFloCo Code of Chivalry Honorees: 6
· NoFloCo Charter Member Patches: 21
· ASIP Pins: 11
· X-Force Pins: 15
· Food Crew Pins: 19
· Chain Saw Pins: 19
· NoFloCo Varsity Jackets: 40 – Wear them with pride, more are coming, we are a force!
· Wildland Fire Fighter Pins: 50
· 10 Project Pins: 101
· Laughs, Tears, and Hugs: Too many to count!
After the formal ceremony, you all amazed me with your dancing proficiency and energy at the T-Bird. It further strengthened the following message:
· We are family.
· We are friends.
· We are united.
· We are NoFloCo.
Action Items Section #1: Please provide me with your feedback on both the highlights and the lowlights, in other words what was done “right” and impressed you, as well as what was done “wrong” and needs attention. In addition, any pictures that you have of the events/shenanigans from last night, please post them to the NoFloCo Facebook page.
SECTION #2 – Upcoming NoFloCo Full Scope Project
Time to shift our focus back to the NoFloCo mission and assist some private property owners residing within the WUI with fuel reduction. This coming Saturday (October 19, 2024) we have a significant Project. We will be working in Indian Creek on three (3) properties at an important ingress/egress intersection. Each individual property has their own uniqueness to them, so we will once again be dividing into teams/sections. Below is the initial overview of the Project. Once I hear back from those that will be attending, a detailed Project Plan will be developed and sent out with teams/sections as well as assignments.
NoFloCo Full Scope Project #185
· WHEN: Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.
· WHERE: 623 Fossil Creek Road, Florissant (Indian Creek)
· WHAT: NoFloCo Full Scope Project – 3 Properties all needing forest floor debris, ladder fuels, and tree felling. Fire wood will be produced and removed from the property; slash piles or burn noodles will be constructed on site.
· WHY: It is the NoFloCo Mission to assist private property owners and make our community safer.
· WHO: You and a friend or neighbor.
Action Items Section #2: Please let me know if you will or will not be attending.
SECTION #3: Other NoFloCo Events, Projects, and News
As the temperature drops and the daylight hours get a little shorter, we all know that means the holidays cannot be far behind. This also means we all seem to get just a little more harried and busy. Below are various items that will require our attention if we wish to make it happen.
Projects or Events You May Be Interested In
· Mini-Projects: I have several Mini-Projects that require tree felling, limbing, and bucking, as well as the delivery of firewood. If you have free time and want to assist, please reach out to me.
· Home Hardening and ASIP Class for Residents: On Monday, October 28, 2024 we will be hosting our 4th Home Hardening and ASIP Class for Residents. The class will take place at the Florissant Library, for those of you that have not yet attended, mark it on your calendar. For those of you wishing to assist, again, let me know.
· Christmas Tree Give-Away and Merriment: The fine folks at the Thetford Real Estate Agency in Florissant have agreed to partner with NoFloCo for the 2024 Christmas Tree Give-Away. This will take place on Saturday, December 7, 2024. We will be cutting trees early in the week and setting them up for the Give-Away and other Holiday Merriment at the Thetford Real Estate Office in Florissant. All kinds of great opportunities for you, just let me know.
· Lights Above the Clouds Christmas Parade: We have talked about this for a couple of years, so this may be the year we get it done. This will be on the evening of December 7, 2024. We need to plan and determine what we would like to do – how about a planning meeting sometime this coming week. If you would like to be involved, please reach out and we will get it scheduled. Most likely on Thursday or Friday of this week (10/24 or 10/25)
Action Items Section #3: Please review the above Opportunities and let me know which ones you would like to be involved with and when.
Thanks to all of you for indulging me in all of this positive “stuff” – I rely on you and your input to make it happen. Should you have any questions or need additional information.
Skol - - - We are NoFloCo,
Wednesday, Sept 25, 2024
Welcome to "hump day" - I have not heard or used that in a long time, so its a throw back. Many thanks to all of you in advance for your patience and understanding on our upcoming event. Without going into too much detail, changes have occurred, but we are ready to roll with a great NoFloCo Project. Outlined below are the details for the next NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project scheduled for this coming SUNDAY (September 28, 2024). This Project will continue the mitigation work that has been completed on the east side of the property and the Home Structure.
NoFloCo continues to provide the leadership for making Teller County less fire intense and fire dangerous. I look forward to seeing you at the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse’ Project this coming SUNDAY (September 28, 2024). Please review the Project Details below and respond to the requested items. We will once again be dividing the Project Property into sections and making assignments.
Mission Statement: To assist property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
PURPOSE: Perform a Full Scope NoFloCo Project on a private property within the WUI. Removing a significant amount of biomass (fuel) in the form of fire wood and slash (including forest floor debris, ladder fuels, tree thinning, as well as dead & diseased trees) from the forest's western and northern sections to make the area safer and more fire resistant.
TASK: Clean forest floor of downed trees and slash; Remove ladder fuels; Fell crowded, diseased, and dead trees; Construct manageable slash piles for burning by property owner. All firewood will be removed from the property. Reduce BTUs, stay safe, meet new mitigators, and have fun.
END STATE: Forest floor cleaned, weak and diseased trees removed, neat and manageable slash piles constructed, fire wood placed in designated areas and removed. Project work area is clean, no one injured, and fun was had by all.
· WHEN: Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. (Mountain); Project Briefing at 8:34
· WHERE: 509 John Drive, Florissant, CO - The property is located just north of the Indian Creek Subdivision off of Wildhorn Road (County Road 3) The property is located within the Florissant Fire District
· WHAT: Full Scope NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Project – Subject property is a total of 4.4 acres, the eastern portion of the property has been mitigated, the western and northern portions of the property consist of a unhealthy forest. We will focus on Zones 3 & 4 in the western and northern sections of the property. We will focus first on clearing the forest floor and removing the useable firewood from the already downed trees. Ladder fuels and small diameter weed trees will be removed. Only then will additional trees be felled. All fire wood will have a designated area and will be removed from the property. Slash piles will be constructed along the already existing path, as well as in other designated areas. for curing and burning at a later date. (PLEASE NOTE: The NoFloCo band of highly trained renegades, heathens, and rebels WILL NOT be burning, repeat we WILL NOT be burning – slash piles will be constructed and burned by the property owner at a later date. This Project will continue to outline the need for all to stay vigilant of the objectives of the Cohesive Strategy – “All Hands, All Lands” and “Increased Pace and Scale”
· WHO: Any and all who can attend. There is something for everyone at this Project. Bring yourself and a friend, and great autumn day in the WUI. Once again, we will be dividing the Posse’ members into teams and making assignments. so your attention is needed. (PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to be efficient, please let me know via email or Facebook if you are planning to attend this event. I know that many of you have already indicated you would be attending, but as you see there have been some changes, so humor me and let me know again. Appropriate assignments will then be made.)
· WHY: Because this is what NoFloCo does – we put on boots and gloves, we pick up sticks, and we eliminate sticks – making our community safer. The Property Owner, Susan Osbeck is also a strong supporter of the NoFloCo effort and is very exciting we are coming to her property.
ACTION ITEM: Please let me know of your attendance.
Tree Felling – We will need chainsaws on this Project - lots of limbing and bucking - so if you have them, bring them. As stated above, only when the forest floor and ladder fuels are cleared will we commend any additional tree felling. Per NoFloCo policy only S212 Certified Sawyers will be allowed to drop trees. S212 Sawyers will need all PPE to fell trees. Once the tree is on the ground and the S212 Sawyer has declared the area safe, our Limbers and Buckers will then commence limbing and bucking.
Fire Wood - As outlined above, all fire wood created will be removed and placed in a designated area. We will also be taking requests for fire wood for the community and limiting their pick up time. Stay tuned for more information. Bucking will be limited so as to move as much wood as possible without too much cutting. Since we wish to create fire wood and we have been limited by our Teller County government regarding slash removal. PLEASE be sure to make as much fire wood as possible when bucking and cutting, we wish to leave as small amount of slash on the property as possible.
Attire and Weather – It is supposed to be a perfect NoFloCo Fire Mitigation weather day, please dress accordingly.
Parking – IMPORTANT: pWe will need to be aware of parking, there is some parking on the property and we ill park on the east side of the property if you come up the drive - please keep space for the Food Crew. For those of us parking on the street (John Drive) please be sure to park in a consistent manner on the south side of John Drive.
Food – The Food Crew with Ellie The Human and Cookie Carolyn have been amazingly flexible with this Project. They have been in touch with many of you regarding these changes. There is an outside electric outlook. For any Food Crew questions or comments please reach out to Ellie The Human ( Many thanks to all of those that bring these delicious treats.
Hydrate – Be sure to hydrate prior to arrival at the Project, bring your water bottle and hydrate during the Project, and during our wrap be sure to stay hydrated.
Facilities – Bathroom facilities will be available at the Project site.
Thanks in advance for your attention to this matter and remaining committed the NoFloCo Mission – keep your ideas and suggestions coming and be sure to let me know if you will be attending this September 28, 2024 NoFloCo Project.
Skol - - -
“I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.”
Thursday, Sept 19, 2024
Good evening to each of you and many thanks for taking the time to be part of the NoFloCo Project this coming Saturday (September 21, 2024). While today was an absolute beautiful day - I am not sure what the weather will be like on Saturday. The good news is, we will be loading slash piles into a trailer and a truck. Below are the details for the Project. Please review and let me know if you have any questions.
Mini-Project – Slash Loading and Removal
WHEN: Saturday, September 21, 2024 @ 9:15 a.m.
WHERE: 121 Spring Valley Circle, Divide (Spring Valley)
WHAT: Slash Loading and Removal - these are slash piles from a previous NoFloCo Project. This should take about 60 to 90 minutes.
WHO: The wonderful people.
Project Notes:
Dress accordingly; watch the weather.
John and Debbie will bring their tractor - there will be an 8 foot dump trailer onsite and we will pack and load the slash as tight as we can. (John and Debbie - the property owner has indicated that you park your trailer at the bottom of Lake Drive, right before Spring Valley Circle.
Parking - for all of us other than John and Cathy, park on the road past the driveway of the subject property (121 Spring Valley)
Stay hydrated
Many thanks and let me know if you have any questions.
Skol - - -
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."
Honorable Members of the Colorado Wildfire Matters Review Committee - good evening and many thanks for your service and dedication to the residents and taxpayers of the Centennial State. I also wish to thank you in advance for your attention and consideration of the following information. I fully understand your busy schedules and the need to stay focused, so I will be brief.
My name is Donald Moore, I along with my wife, Toni, reside in the Wildland Urban Interface of Teller County. We are the co-founders of the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse'. The NoFloCo Mission is as follows:
To assist private property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface footprint with fire mitigation, fire awareness, forest health; and follow the tenets of the Cohesive Strategy to make the community safer from fire danger, improve property appearance, and have fun.
To date, the efforts of this completely volunteer organization have resulted in the following:
Total NoFloCo Members – 625
Total Purple Helmets - 87
Total Property Assessments –355
Fire Mitigation Projects Completed – 170
Acres Mitigated – 267.5
Cords of Firewood Donated – 215
Subdivisions Impacted – 21
Volunteer Hours – 6,866.5
Trained Wildland Firefighter II's – 42
Wildland Saws Trained Type A or B - 16
Colorado Certified Burners - 17
BTUs of Fuel Removed - 6,291,000,000 (yes that is billions)
All of the above have been completed on private property located within the WUI and in areas where significant values at risk reside. It is my belief that the mission of the Wildfire Matters Review Committee - the study of wildfire prevention and mitigation - is closely aligned with the mission of NoFloCo. The NoFloCo organization continues to provide mitigation services to private property owners, and the issue we are encountering is the same issue that many are facing - the efficient and effective elimination of biomass, i.e. fuel. There has been a significant amount of mitigation efforts, but the elimination of the fuel is becoming a huge problem.
My recommendation and request is for all of you to review the 2013 Colorado Prescribed Burning Act, Senate Bill 13-083 and overlay the goals and objectives of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy and find a way for the objectives of the Colorado Prescribed Burning Act to be achieved, not just on state land, but on private property where there is a significant amount of value at risk. In other words, the use of "good" fire on the ground will produce significant benefits. Assuming a small amount of risk today will avoid catastrophic devastation in the future. If you are unwilling to implement and champion the goals and objectives outlined in the Colorado Prescribed Burning Act, then I suggest you rescind this Act and save the taxpayer some funds.
In addition, as policy makers for all the residents of Colorado, I encourage you and/or someone from you staff attend the upcoming National Fire Prevention Agency's Assessing Structure Ignition Potential (ASIP) Training taking place in Divide, CO on the dates of October 10 and 11, 2024. The ASIP Training provides the latest in fire science and research and outlines how structures within the WUI can survive a wildland fire. If you are setting policy, you need the training and the information provided.
I wish to thank you for your time and consideration. I have given you all a great deal to digest and consider, however this is critical information to have in your role as a Committee Member of the Wildfire Matters Review Committee. I am proud of the efforts the NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse' has achieved. If fact, just today a homeowner contact me and stated that because of the efforts and actions of NoFloCo, their annual insurance premium declined $2,000. Our efforts are directly impacting private property owners, perhaps some attention should be given to what is working. I challenge you to stop talking about it, and lets start doing something about it.
I look forward to hearing from you and providing additional information and/or answering your questions.
Best regards - - -
Donald Moore
Co-Founder NoFloCo Fire Mitigation Posse'